Thursday, March 10, 2016


Some words are seeds of newly harvested thoughts
we donate them unconditionally and irreversibly
like we do during Thanksgiving Day
for loved ones or good friends.

Some words are foreign devils and ghosts
that come to us at three after midnight
crossing the wall that separates two words
at the time when it translucently dilutes.

Some of them are innocent young children
who temporarily lose their way home
in the bushes of life – holding hands
dragging each other through the unknown paths of life
uphill and downhill.

But some other words are young phoenixes
born there,  from the ashes
there, where the fires of crushes and distractions
incinerated  everything
but “flowerpetal”.

And look how the wasteland between us
is turning in to an efflorescence
together we planted the young phoenixes  in the cold ashes
the buds of the wings flourish in our eyes
and you start calling me again


Saturday, March 5, 2016


Do you know who you are?
Do you know what happened to you?
Do you want to live your life that way?

Time is a perforated bowl
The Bitter fluid leaks like gallbladder tears
I envision the white dots on the black dress of my grandma
and they talk to me in a soft and sweet voice
“be careful sweetheart…when you gut a chicken
a drop of bile can waste the whole bird”

My thoughts are slaughtered and feather-plucked chickens
hung on the hooks, all lined up
The butcher has the cleaver, ready, in his hand
and a black cat paces on the floor
back and forth…. Back and forth

It’s dark, the maze is like the crooked neck
of a stork … ready to be cut… bloodless.
In the nooks, the whisper of the silence groans
Just a little more time… just a little more time

Time is a perforated bowel, drop… drop… dropping
the gallbladder’s bitter leakage…. sometimes slumbering sometimes awake
sometimes light sometimes dark….sometimes joy, sometimes terror
sometimes flying sometimes falling…crash and crumble
time is the sorrow of a sand granule
that falls inside the hourglass…. In infinity..

The line of feather-plucked chickens comes around
It’s dark… no light can be seen on the horizon
Even the end of the labyrinth is not in sight  
then anxiously waiting for the question of after the coma
When the breakdown is over.

Do you know who you are?
Do you know what happened to you?
Do you want to live your life that way?


“ Do you know who you are? Do you know what's happened to you? Do you want to live this way?"
from : " Grey's Anatomy"

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Love me for what I am

Save the white cloud in the corner
keep it unchanged, as is
even if It’s not a bed of rose petals
where lust quenches its thirst.
The drops of dew in the morning
You shouldn’t expect to be diamonds
because when formed on new leaves
caressed by dawns first sight
they look livelier than a pearl.
And when touched by a dove’s wing
you don’t feel flame but light instead.
The little camomile flower in the corner
covered by grass leaves and morning kisses
you can’t expect to change
for it could not become an orchid
So even if the world where I am living
seems strange distant and far to you
please give me a place in your planet
love me for what I am
unchanged in your heart.
